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调整双脚   Adjust your feet

绷脚   Point your toes

勾脚   Flex your feet back

抓住大脚趾   Hold your big toes

脚趾抬起来   Lift your toes

脚趾张开   Spread your toes

脚趾指向正前方   Toes point straight ahead

脚趾保持有觉知   Activate your toes

脚后跟往下踩   Press the heels down


Positioning your heel against your perineum

双脚并拢   Place your feet together

双脚打开   Separate the feet

双脚转至平行   Bring the feet parallel


Feet are firmly rooted into the ground

双脚用力踩实地面   Press your feet into the floor


Jump your feet a hip-distance apart

双脚往前蹬   Push your feet forward

双腿交叉,上提   Cross your legs and lift up


Keep the legs parallel with the ground


Jump forward and bring your feet between your hands

左脚跟外缘    Outer edge of your left heel


Keep the inner edge of your right foot grounded


Big toe and ankle joints touching


Keep the left foot pressing into the right inner thigh


屈膝   Bend your knees

微屈膝   Slightly bend your knees

右膝弯曲90度   Bend your right knee 90 degrees

膝盖位于脚踝正上方   Knees directly over ankles

膝盖跪地   Sit down on your knees

膝盖骨往上提   Kneecaps come up

膝盖往垫子上压   Press your knees to the mat

左膝正对地面   Left knee pointing down towards the floor

来到坐姿   Come to a seated position

前屈   Bend forward / Fold forward

右腿盘半莲花   Take the right leg into half lotus

站立起身   Come up to standing

站直站高   Stand straight and tall

往前走   Step forward

往前跳   Jump forward

往后跳   Jump back

保持后腿有力   Keep the back leg strong

伸直双腿   Straighten your legs

上提双腿   Lift your legs

直腿上抬   Lift up with straight legs

双腿交叉   Cross the legs

双腿解开   Release your legs

双腿有力   Keep your legs strong

保持双腿启动   Keep your legs active

左腿收回   Take the left leg back

伸展打开腿部后侧   Open the back of the legs

腿尽量往上抬   Bring the leg as high as possible


打开髋部   Open your hips

打开腹股沟   Open your groin

髋部水平端正  Hips square

尾骨内扣   Tuck your tailbone down

骨盆朝前   Position your pelvis forward

坐骨水平   Allow the sitting bones to be level

髋关节放松   Release your hip joints

以髋关节为折点前屈   Fold forward from the hips

保持骨盆正对根基   keep your pelvis square to the foundation

保持坐骨坐实地面   Keep your sit bones in firm contact with the floor


坐直   Sit straight

背部打直   Straighten your back

拉长脊椎   Lengthen the spine

拱背   Round the back


Lengthen and lift your spine


Maintaining the extension in your spine


Maintain the length and strength in your lower back

打开胸腔   Open your chest

打开心胸   Open your heart

胸腔上提   Lift your chest

感觉到胸腔在往上提   Feel the chest is lifted

胸腔贴向膝盖   Chest to the knees

身体前侧拉长   Lengthen through front body

感觉到胸腔在扩张  feel your chest expand


放松肩部   Relax your shoulders

转动肩膀   Roll your shoulder

双肩展开   Shoulders are wide

双肩远离耳朵   Shoulders away from ears

肩膀放平   Square your shoulders

肩膀往下旋转   Rolling your shoulders down

肩膀不能下塌   Do not collapse your shoulders

肩胛骨内收   Shoulder blades in

肩胛骨向下沉   Shoulder blades down

肩胛骨展开 Shoulder blades move away from each other

颈部拉长   Lengthen the neck

颈部保持放松   Neck remains free

放松颈部后侧   Relax the back of your neck


屈肘   Bend at your elbows

伸直手臂   Straighten your arms

伸展双臂   Extend your arms

手肘上抬   Let your elbows raise

双手上举   Raise your arms

双手用力下压   Palms pressing down firmly

双手放在膝盖上   Bring your hands to your knees

双手扶髋   Hands on the waist

双手合十   Press the palms together

双手背后反祈祷   Hands in prayer position behind your back

右手抓住左手腕   Hold your left wrist with your right hand

手腕在肩膀的正下方   Wrists under shoulders

手臂向外打开与肩同高   Open your arms wide to shoulder height

双手分开放在垫子上,与肩同宽   Place your hands a shoulder-distance apart on the mat


抬头   Lift your head

下巴内收   Tuck your chin in

目光柔和   Keep the gaze soft

目光稳定   Keeping your gaze steady

目视前方   Gaze forward

眼睛看向大拇指   Gaze at the thumbs

眼睛注视左手指尖   Gaze at your left finger tips

头顶着地   Place the crown of your head on the mat

前额放在垫子上   Place your forehead on the mat

下巴往下接触地面   Move the chin down towards the ground


聆听你的呼吸   Listen to your breath

专注于呼吸   Focus on your breath

调整呼吸   Regulate your breath

稳定呼吸   Steady the breath

均匀呼吸   Keep the breath even


Allow your breath to be deep, long and steady


Breathe deeply for five steady breaths


Take 5 breaths in each posture


Fill your chest and back with air


Direct your breath upward to fill the space in your back and chest


Keep the sound soft to free the breath and to release the body’s tension


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